Records of the William C. Sparks and Robert Donnell Sparks families of Texas
Welcome to the Sparks family history pages. Our branch of the Sparks family descends from William Sparks who arrived in Maryland in the mid 1600's, through William Jr., William Sample Sparks, Matthew Sparks, to Nathan Sparks, the ninth of Matthew's twelve children, born 1775 in North Carolina. The early ancestors of this line are well documented by several researchers. The documentation contained in these pages begins with Nathan's children, especially William C. Sparks, born 1815 in Wilson County, Tennessee.
I began researching several of my family lines over 25 years ago. Many of the relatives who were interviewed then are gone now, and I must rely on notes which should have been more comprehensive. My sister, Carolyn, and I are now working together on the research, and we welcome comments on the information here, and hope that you will notify us if you find errors, or if you can help add information. I have lost track of cousins from long ago, and especially look forward to hearing from them. Included here are most of the records on these families that I've discovered to date. If you have more or different information I would love to hear from you. We have several Sparks family pictures that we will be happy to share, and of course we are always looking for additional ones. This will forever be a 'work in progress' and I will be adding information as we discover more. Happy hunting!
Membership in The Sparks Family Association has helped me tremendously in my early research. I recommend that association to everyone who is researching the Sparks family. The earlier ancestors in this line are very well documented by members and research and documentation was published in the Sparks Quarterly Newsletters. Sadly, the quarterly newsletters are no longer being published, but membership in the group will provide access to previous publications.
You'll find here several ways to guide you through the records on this site. Please click here to see a list of contacts for contributors.
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comments and suggestions to Judy
All information and photos included within these pages are here for the express purpose of genealogical research and may not be included or used for any commercial purpose, or included in any commercial site, without the express permission of Judy Gibson. Copyright Judy Gibson ©2011
This site respects living
Specific information for my living relatives
has been deliberately omitted from this site.
If you find I have erred in that regard,
contact me immediately.
Page last updated: May 20, 2011